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Monday 3 July 2023

OMG 🔥 Auto Digital Signature, How to Create Digital Signature in Microsoft Word

OMG 🔥 Auto Digital Signature, How to Create Digital Signature in Microsoft Word

अगर आप डिजिटल सिग्नेचर बनाना सीखना चाहते हैं
कैसे आप अपने हस्तलिखित हस्ताक्षर को डिजिटल कर सकते हैं
आप सीखना चाहते हैं कैसे आप एक बार में कई दस्तावेज प्रति डिजिटल सिग्नेचर कर सकते हैं कैसे आप अपने डिजिटल सिग्नेचर को कंप्यूटर में सेव कर सकते हैं तो यह वीडियो आपके लिए है
डिजिटल साइन बनाने के 2 तारिके है

OMG🔥Auto Digital Signature | How to Create Digital Signature in Microsoft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVtVbREAE4E Organic Hits Free TDL for Voucher Signature Print https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux_GPIZfeyQ Tally Prime Free #TDL| Transport List https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCjZLa_LYzI&t=8s Tally All Video Playlist click below link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzz4V7AhR_s&list=PLYeThR9pyhNbedGaFrlWzCamGSyrnzDNN Watch Serial number TDL video https://youtu.be/Ai41rPGemLM watch STop Duplication without TDL https://youtu.be/HOELFLHaafo Watch Tally Party Wise Voucher Payment, Sales, Receipt, Journal, Credit Note ,Debite note https://youtu.be/39fcNCY-fA8 Watch Envelope Printing Plane and Printed Envlope https://youtu.be/ZVfeI9dluQo

In this video tutorial we will show you how to create a digital signature in Word. This tutorial will show you how to create a digital signature in Word which is a good ay to give documents an official standing. Step, 1 -- Inserting a New Line Start Word and load the document that you want to add a signature to. Here we can see that we have a letter and we are going to add a signature to the bottom of the page. We are going to want to place this between the closing and the name of the sender. Click the mouse to this location and insert a new line. Step, 2 -- Inserting the Image of a Signature You are now going to need to insert an image of the signature. This is something that it is probably best to scan into your computer. Navigate to the "Insert" tab and click the "Picture" icon. Navigate to where you have your signature stored on the computer and click "Insert". Step, 3 -- Resizing the Signature The signature will appear in the document, and it will have a box around it that will allow you to resize it. Make the signature about the size that you would normally sign a document with. Here we are having to reduce its size a little. Once done, just save the document and that is how to insert a digital signature in Word. ms office user, computer hindi, electronic signature, how to make, word, cyber security, digital, handwrite, sign, digital signing, digital signatures, e-signature in word, electronic, signature, sign word, sign document, how to add digital signature, signature in word, word digital signature, microsoft word, computer, e-signature, e-signature on pdf, Auto Digital Signature, Create digital signature, digital signature in word, digital signature kaise banaye in Hindi, डिजिटल सिग्नेचर कैसे बनाएं,

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